MySuperSoft SuperVideoCap v5.4.1700 英文正式版(媒體視頻錄製軟體)
SuperVideoCap 是一款高性能的媒體視頻錄製工具,你可以快速地自動的從數碼相機、
數碼攝像機,網路攝像頭,TV 電視卡,攝錄捕捉卡中進行視頻錄製工作,所錄製的內
容可以保存為 DIVX,XVID 編碼 AVI 視頻文件格式或者可以不進行壓縮直接保存為
AVI 格式,另外,還可以存為 WMV 格式的流媒體文件。
Capture Video/ VCR/ TV Program from DV, DC, TV
Tuner Card, Web Cam, Capture Card to AVI
(uncompressed)/ (compressed using any available
codec include DIVX, XVID) or Streaming file format
(WMV file).
Support Auto-Capture.
Support Custom WMV Profile. You can configure
streams to use Window Media Video 9 Codec, VBR and
CBR bitrates, uncompressed audio or video stream,
Video Size, Buffer Size, Frame rate, etc.
SnapShot Bitmap, JPEG from DV, DC, TV Tuner Card,
Web Cam, Capture Card.
Real Time Video Preview.
WDM Streaming Device Selection and Setting.
Delivering live audio and video content in real
time to client computers.
Broadcast from anything that you can plug into your
audio or video card, including a DV,DC,Web Cam,
Video Camera, TV Tuner, VCR, VCD Player ,etc and
your friends can view your content with
Windows Media Player or
Microsoft Internet Explore.
Overlay text/ time/ image stamp applied to the live
video or local video files.
Broadcast from video/ audio files to client
computers and your friends can view your content
Microsoft Windows Media Player or
Internet Explore.
Record screen activity, mouse movement to avi
(uncompressed)/ (compressed using any available
codec include DIVX, XVID).
Capture full screen or portion of the screen and
support user define playback frame rate to speed up
or slow down playback.
MySuperSoft SuperVideoCap v5.38.1680 英文正式版(媒體視頻錄製工具軟體)
MySuperSoft SuperVideoCap v5.38.1680 英文正式版(媒體視頻錄製工具軟體)
MySuperSoft flash2Video v5.0.2000 英文正式版(將 flash 影片轉換為視頻文件的軟體)
MySuperSoft SuperAVConverter v8.7.5500 英文正式版(具有CD音軌抓取功能的多媒體文件轉換工具軟體)
MySuperSoft SuperAVConverter v8.9.6000 英文正式版(具有CD音軌抓取功能的多媒體文件轉換軟體)
MySuperSoft SuperAVConverter v8.8.5800 Datecode 072107 英文正式版(音頻轉換工具軟體)
MySuperSoft flash2Video v4.38.1660 英文正式版(將flash影片轉換位視頻文件的工具軟體)